We are excited to welcome you – or welcome you back – to the University of Guelph and to the College of Arts! I’m pleased to let you know that we are looking forward to safe in person activities of all kinds. For your information, I’m sending along some details about how things will look this fall.
The University is committed to developing the whole student – to develop the person, scholar and citizen. During this uncertain time, it is particularly important that we all keep in mind that we are part of a community and treat each other with compassion and respect as we chart a course through this pandemic together.
You will find information about various aspects of student life for Fall 2021 at the University of Guelph, information about residence, classes and labs, vaccinations, and so on. I urge you to make yourself aware of what is happening at the University and how you can make the most of your time here.
Some expectations are laid out in policies such as the Policy on Non-Academic Misconduct[1] and in the undergraduate and graduate Degree Regulations and Procedures (Academic Misconduct[2]). Therein you will find guidelines and guiding principles to promote the values of an intellectually challenging and supportive community, values such as integrity, dignity, inclusion, and safety based in mutual trust and respect. The policies also provide details on what would constitute a violation, such as harassment and intimidation, not abiding by laws and University policies, and engaging in academic dishonesty such as plagiarism.
It will be a challenging time as we gradually transition to being on campus. Please stay informed and stay safe.
In order to come to campus (including offices, the library, food services, etc) starting tomorrow, September 7, the day our vaccine mandate takes effect, you must have either submitted proof of vaccination or have had an exemption approved. Here is the link, https://uoguelph.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9KzCiVT51Qvm1eK?fbclid=IwAR2leRFnnkwHy4PE2–tTir4xuObeQpsRyyEJtZV4Voh_dC4zF3LDUJcq3o
Those with an approved exemption or who have only one dose of a two-dose vaccine must participate in rapid testing before accessing any U of G facilities.
We are also still expected to complete the daily screening tool, https://uoguelph.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6lh1bNRMHDEU1OR.
And please connect with your professors, your fellow-students, student associations, and the staff team working to welcome you back!
Join us if you can at the College of Arts Orientation event – the Food Truck Social – Thursday, September 9th 11am-12:30pm, Johnston Green.
College of Arts Food Truck Social Tickets, Thu, 9 Sep 2021 at 11:00 AM | Eventbrite
See you at the Food Trucks!