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Masking as caring for our community members

I've been thinking about the University's mask mandate ending on May 1st and today I reached out by email to the College of Arts, to encourage us to continue the practice of masking in indoor, public spaces for a while longer. 

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Solidarity with Ukraine

As the Dean of the College of Arts, I feel compelled to express formally a deep commitment to and support of the people of Ukraine. In our daily lives, in our own small worlds, we operate in peace, we look to cultivate peace for our families and friends. Russia’s attacks on Ukraine are shocking and catastrophic to the whole world’s hopes for peace and safety.

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Why Study Arts at U of G?

It’s that wonderful time of year when I start getting messages from people whose children are deciding where to go to university and I get to talk about what is so special about studying arts at U of G.

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Welcome back students!

We are excited to welcome you – or welcome you back – to the University of Guelph and to the College of Arts! I’m pleased to let you know that we are looking forward to safe in person activities of all kinds.  For your information, I’m sending along some details about how things will look this fall.

Read more about "Welcome back students!"